The lightning in Bolivia was unreal! I loved it. I stood out on the deck for 45 minutes capturing the lightning. I had never gotten lightning shots before. It's tricky to do because it's so fast - in a blink of an eye it's there and gone. It reminded me of how quick it will be when Jesus returns. We won't have a chance then to make a decision to follow Him - it will be too late. We need to decide now whether we will choose to live for Him or not. Life is an incredible adventure when we're livin for God. Thank you God for these pictures you gave me so often during this trip.
This verse was on the wall at El Candelero in Tarija, it's the coffee house that Colleen & Larry run. It talks about remembering your Creator in the days of your youth. When we're young, it's so easy to become consumed with the things of this world and to forget about God. And as we get older it gets harder and harder to choose Him when we've ignored Him in our younger days and for so many years. But God can do anything - nothing is impossible with Him. Never stop praying for someone to come to Christ no matter how old or young they are. With prayer, God gets things happening. That's why prayer is so important.
As I leave these prints with you, I'm reminded of the bracelets I wore the whole time that I was out in Bolivia. I was not on that journey on my own strength and of my own will. God was with me. The one bracelet has GODSTRONG written on it with the verse from Ephesian 6:10-11 "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil." That's how I felt - strong because God's strength was making me strong to face anything that came my way. I had confidence in that strength. I knew that He was protecting me. Satan tried to make me doubt many times and to be afraid but then I looked down and was reminded of God's power in me that helped me to stand against the fear and doubt from the enemy.
The other bracelet says FAITHPOWER written on it with the verse from Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." This whole trip took Faith each day and the hope that I had in my heart, I could share with my uncle across the world. Faith I cannot see but I sure knew that angels were around me protecting me and God was guiding me. I have never seen God but I know one day I will come face to face with Him in Heaven and that is what I can be certain of what I do not see. I know He is with me each day even though I do not see Him. He is there always, guiding me, protecting me, loving me, forgiving me, disciplining me at times when I want to rebell and go my own way. But I know that He will never leave me nor forsake me. Thank you Jesus! Thank you Thank you!
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